
Escorts & Prostitutes

Why do I say it like that? Because I was not an escort, escorts in Vegas (a majority anyway) operate illegally and can get arrested. I was a legal prostitute registered in Nye county. Yes, one could argue that this is simply semantics but there’s still a difference- to me anyway.
I was reading an article about how brothels in Nevada are starting to suffer more because of the increase in illegal escorts in Vegas. Mostly because tourists don’t care don’t realize that prostitution is ILLEGAL in Clark County, which yes, includes Sin City.
This is hard to deal with because this obviously messes with our money (I say “our” money for sake of argument) it’s a matter of access and convenience, not to mention price.
According to this article, the number of brothels have gone down dramatically, but that still doesn’t put our minds at ease.
They say that hundreds of women are still employed and happily working, so I guess it’s not as bad, but still.
Why should the women who go through the legal channels suffer at the hands of the women who do this illegally? It’s not fair, but unfortunately is reality.

By theotherworkinggirl

In a nutshell, I was a working girl who was a happily employed working girl at one of Nevada's many brothels. Now, while I would love to tell you exactly where I worked, I feel it would ruin the magic.
But I only worked at one, cause I wouldn’t go anywhere else.
Maybe one day I'll share- maybe... hehe.
Now, I tell “stories” of my adventures in Vegas.

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